Google Partners
Google Partners You may have seen this term on your travels through the internet. A…
At Connetik Interactive, we strive to be more than a digital marketing company. With 23 years of experience, and an individual approach, we are deeply rooted, well established, and our goal is to be your expert marketing team.
Our knowledge of the ever changing modern technologies teamed with our initiative based marketing helps to make sure that your needs are met in the most efficient way possible using all and any available tools.
Your website is the face of your brand – it is essential that it be integrated into the growth of your big-picture marketing goals. But the Encompass Program isn’t only about managing your website, it focuses on your marketing goals for your overall digital presence, featuring professional:
Clear messages build strong relationships. Professionally written content delivers your message and helps people connect with it.
The billboard of the future (and the ‘now’). Make sure your name is seen and heard with targeted campaigns on key platforms.
Connect with your following on a personal level. Social Media can help foster incredibly meaningful client-business relationships.
Google Partners You may have seen this term on your travels through the internet. A…
Selling Doesn’t Work …the way it used to. The idea of a commission-based, pushy…
In short, the answer is No! In 2018, over 20 billion emails were sent each day. This…
Do you love the way your website looks, but find that no one is staying…
A marketing strategy is key when you are building a business. Marketing, especially digital marketing,…
Connetik has an SSL certificate on our site, and we don’t collect overly sensitive data.…
2019 has arrived! Now that the turkey has been consumed, you’ve had lots of rest…
There comes a time in every company’s life when staff photos need to be taken.…
There are only 25 days left until Christmas! This leaves only 36,000 minutes to wish…
Introducing : Encompass! The Connetik Interactive team has been anxiously awaiting the opportunity to announce…
3 Questions to Ask Before Posting on Social Media In this digital age, social media…
Mixed Media Marketing The world of digital marketing is all about balance. On one hand,…
If we’ve learned anything over the last year and a bit, it is that online…
E-Commerce – Where To Start E-Commerce has been a big part of our business strategies…
Google Ads Annual Review Now that your new year is underway and everything is starting…
Planning for 2020 2020 is here, and now it’s time to build on the successes…
What To Do At Year-End With December in full swing and the holidays coming up…
Holiday Marketing Checklist If you’re a sports fan, you may have heard the saying “Trust…
Local Service Ads Are Here! We are super excited about a recent addition to the…
Hallowe’en Social Media Tips and Tricks Most of us know that when a holiday comes…
Four Things You Should Be Doing on Social Media(And Three You Shouldn’t) Social media has…
5 Facebook Tips For Your Business When it comes to social media, and Facebook specifically,…
What Is Your Social Media Strategy? “Strategy is the highest level of a plan” ―…
5 Steps to Integrate Instagram in Your Business Model We all know that organic reach…
Google Partners You may have seen this term on your travels through the internet. A…
Selling Doesn’t Work …the way it used to. The idea of a commission-based, pushy…
In short, the answer is No! In 2018, over 20 billion emails were sent each day. This…
Do you love the way your website looks, but find that no one is staying…
A marketing strategy is key when you are building a business. Marketing, especially digital marketing,…
Connetik has an SSL certificate on our site, and we don’t collect overly sensitive data.…
2019 has arrived! Now that the turkey has been consumed, you’ve had lots of rest…
There comes a time in every company’s life when staff photos need to be taken.…
There are only 25 days left until Christmas! This leaves only 36,000 minutes to wish…
Introducing : Encompass! The Connetik Interactive team has been anxiously awaiting the opportunity to announce…
3 Questions to Ask Before Posting on Social Media In this digital age, social media…
Mixed Media Marketing The world of digital marketing is all about balance. On one hand,…
If we’ve learned anything over the last year and a bit, it is that online…
E-Commerce – Where To Start E-Commerce has been a big part of our business strategies…
Google Ads Annual Review Now that your new year is underway and everything is starting…
Planning for 2020 2020 is here, and now it’s time to build on the successes…
What To Do At Year-End With December in full swing and the holidays coming up…
Holiday Marketing Checklist If you’re a sports fan, you may have heard the saying “Trust…
Local Service Ads Are Here! We are super excited about a recent addition to the…
Hallowe’en Social Media Tips and Tricks Most of us know that when a holiday comes…
Four Things You Should Be Doing on Social Media(And Three You Shouldn’t) Social media has…
5 Facebook Tips For Your Business When it comes to social media, and Facebook specifically,…
What Is Your Social Media Strategy? “Strategy is the highest level of a plan” ―…
5 Steps to Integrate Instagram in Your Business Model We all know that organic reach…
Along with our founder, we believe that “any goal is achievable if you just break it down into small enough pieces.” You have a goal for your business and we want to be one of the pieces that makes it not only achievable, but also successful.
We live in a digital age; a time where everything changes in the blink of an eye. Keeping up with those changes and implementing them is our job – leaving you free to do yours.
Operations Manager & Digital Marketer
Office Administrator
Client Engagement Manager & Digital Marketer
Digital Marketer
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